So, where were we...
The Front Royal/Warren County AT Community Committee has not been idle. Please see our strategic plan and vision on the About page.
Also, big welcome to our two AT Community Ambassadors! Alyson Browett is joining us as Front Royal/Warren County Ambassador and we are loaning Jennifer Keck out to neighboring Luray/Page County, which will be designated on May 11 this year.
We're also looking for a team of K-12 teachers and administrators to participate in the Trail to Every Classroom program this year. A Trail to Every Classroom is an outstanding professional development program that trains teachers to use the Appalachian Trail as a resource for service-learning and place-based education. More information and the application can be found here. Admission is highly competitive for the 40-50 program slots, so if you know an interested teacher from any discipline, please make them aware of the March 15 deadline!